Fully seat the hex-nut into the hex socket found on the first section of the carrier (Part Number 403).
Place both halves onto the rail by pushing them together in between two Picatinny slots.
Install the screw (using a 3/32” Allen key) and tighten no more than two screw rotations
Install the NANO and tighten to no more than 5-inch pounds (roughly 5-1/2 screw turns from “finger tight”). Threadlocker is recommended to prevent walk-out under recoil.
Check to make sure the NANO can be removed by hand. If not, you can use a tool (Allen key, screwdriver, bullet tip, etc) to remove the NANO. Place the tool into the NANOs lanyard hole and lever it out.
Repeat this process until the NANO locks in place nicely but is still able to be removed by hand. Keep in mind that you can use this method anytime, such as if the NANO gets stuck in the carrier after being installed on a gun, helmet, stock, etc.